Make a Payment

Gone are the days of trips to the branch for a simple payment

Payment Quick Links

Make Any Loan Payment

Make secure loan payments (including credit cards) online without having to login to online banking.

Log into digital banking

From your app or browser, make or schedule recurring payments

Credit Card Payments

Make payments, view recent purchases and manage your cards online.

Mortgage Payments

If your mortgage is serviced by Cenlar, your account is now available within Community First Digital Banking only. First-time user to Digital Banking? You can get registered here. You can also make a payment by phone at 888-752-9137.

Having trouble making payments? Click here.

Loan Payment Options

We have five options for you to make your loan payment! Because we're about fast, convenient, and simple options for our members.

Submit payments with a debit card or e-check.
Transfer payments from your CFCU checking account or an account at another financial institution directly to your CFCU loan.
Drop payment off at any branch
Set up automatic payments from a non-CFCU account
Send via snail mail to Community First Credit Union
PO Box 6004
Santa Rosa, CA 95406
CFCU Mobile App-image of  a smart phone with the cfcu logo on the screen

Download our mobile app for easy, on-the-go management of your CFCU debit or credit card.

Track your spending, make payments, dispute transactions, set alerts, and more.